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October, 2012: SZeneWochenende, Germany
In his third
article (German Language, 317 KB PDF document)
about the project confluencer and geoscience researcher
Rainer Mautz provides information how to visit confluence points.
February 10th, 2012: Fast Company Magazine (article), New York, NY 10007-2195, USA
The journalist Emily Badger has created a well written article about confluence hunting with a good selection of photos:
September 20th, 2011: Scribner (publisher), New York, USA
Ken Jennings mentions the DCP (and specifically
48�N 122�W), in his book
Maphead: Charting the Wide, Weird World of Geography Wonks.
The book is available e.g. on
December 8th, 2009: Earthzine.org, Arizona, USA
In an online article entitled
To The Nth Degree�and Minute, and Second: Confluence Hunting on Planet Earth
geographer and confluence hunter
Joseph Kerski
writes about the spirit of exploration that
drives confluence hunters, and provides a lot of examples of
the beauty and excitement, but also the dangers, that the sport can bring.
August 30th, 2009: WIRED Magazine, New York, USA
Confluence hunter
Eric Zimmermann
muses about latitude, longitude, and the DCP in Jenny Williams
'Geekdad' blog in a post entitled
Join the Great Confluence Hunt!
March 5th, 2009: Spiegel Online, Hamburg, Germany
Der Spiegel journalist Stephan Orth accompanied
DCP coordinator
Vladimir Chernorutsky to
59�N 35�E and reports about it in his (German language) article
How Vladimir conquered 59�N 35�E
August 2nd, 2008: Denver Post, Denver, CO
The Denver Post publishes an article by Patrick Joseph (Universal Press Syndicate)
Exploration-lovers turn to global intersections
which starts with an interview of
veteran confluence hunter
J. Baker Hill.
May, 2008: Outside Magazine, Santa Fe, NM
A 9-page
article (3.8MB PDF document)
by McKenzie Funk in the
June 2008 Outside Magazine
explores confluence hunting through the story of
Greg Michaels'
visit to
18�S 69�W
April 20th, 2008: Quesnel Cariboo Observer, Quesnel, BC
Sean Glanville of the Quesnel Cariboo Observer
about a presentation by
Tim Dinsdale
on the DCP, entitled 'Practically Nowhere'.
(Presentation video now available online:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
April 18th, 2008: Abendzeitung, Munich, Germany
This German-language
by Michael Grill is entitled 'The Journey to
48N 12E
(German language article scan provided by
Jan Liska
, 144K)
April 10th, 2008: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, Munich, Germany
Juliane Matthey
avid confluencer
Jan Liska
about the what, how and why of confluence hunting. (German language article scan provided by Jan Liska, 2.2MB)
April 2008: Discovery Channel, Canada
Peter McMahon
finding a confluence for those wanting to try something harder than
geocaching ...
March, 2008: Coordinates, Delhi, India
In his second
article (7MB PDF document)
about the project in this publication (entitled 'Sampling the world') confluencer and geoscience researcher
Rainer Mautz provides a lot of interesting DCP statistics.
April 14th, 2007: Mannheimer Morgen, Mannheim, Germany
The weekend edition of this
regional newspaper
devotes an
entire page (German language, 389K PDF document)
to the DCP. Editor Madeleine Bierlein interviews regional coordinator
Gerhard Kaufmann
about the project and his most exciting visits.
February, 2007: 4x4 Club, Moscow, Russia
Sergey Gruzdev of
4x4 Club
reports about a visit to
56N 39E
in a (russian language) article entitled
The point of ten zeroes.
February, 2007: Backpacker Magazine, Emmaus, PA
Tim Sprinkle of
Backpacker Magazine
hikes to
40N 106W
Joseph Kerski. Read the resulting article about
the DCP entitled
The Confluence Hunters. (480K PDF document)
November 3rd, 2006: Main-Echo, Aschaffenburg, Germany
Main-Echo reporter Otto Gr�newald
Hermann Grebner
inventing a new technique to get to confluences near the shore,
with his visit to 70N 22E.
(Newspaper article scan Copyright ©
reproduced with kind permission)
November, 2006: Geomatica, Ottawa, Canada
In Volume 60-3 of
the official quarterly publication of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics,
William R. (Bill) Brookes writes about the Degree Confluence Project in
Field Notes & Office Memos,
(1.53MB PDF) column, under the heading 'The Degree Confluence Project�a cure for insomnia or a tool of discovery?'.
October 12, 2006: Daily Herald, Arlington Heights, IL
Daily Herald staff writer Robert McCoppin reflects on 'magical spots in suburbs' in his
suburban living article.
March 19, 2006: LA NACION, Buenes Aires, Argentina
Alicia Beltrami
about the project and
Sergio Zeregas
visit to
37S 57W.
March, 2006: Coordinates, Delhi, India
In an
article (2MB PDF document)
entitled 'What does our world really look like' confluencer and geoscience researcher
Rainer Mautz gives both an introduction to as well as a status quo
report of the project and speculates when/whether completion will eventually be reached.
September 11, 2005: The Japan Times, Tokyo, Japan
Staff writer Eric Johnston
Fabrice Blocteur
about confluence hunting in this country.
September 10, 2005: Alaska Public Radio Network, Anchorage, AK
Ashley Gross demonstrates the power of radio with this excellent
about the project. Highly recommended.
June, 2005: Lonely Planet, Victoria, Australia
Lonely Planet Guide to Experimental Tourism
has a chapter (pp96-99) on the Degree Confluence Project contributed by Australian coordinator
Donna Weston.
May 24, 2005: Radio Netherlands, Hilversum, The Netherlands
Maurice Laparli�re of
Radio Netherlands
Henk de Jong
during a visit to
52N 6E - listen to the
Dutch language interview.
April 21, 2005: Gr�nzbote Tuttlingen, Tuttlingen, Germany
The 'Gr�nzbote' reports on a new
world record
for number of people at a
confluence: 468 students of the 'Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium' of Tuttlingen
assembled at 48N 9E with their director of studies and project leader,
Matthias Kremer.
April 9, 2005: The Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, Australia
The Sydney Morning Herald picks up the same Seamus Byrne
than 'The Age' ... or it was the other way 'round.
April 9, 2005: The Age, Melbourne, Australia
Seamus Byrne includes the DCP in his
Sublime to the ridiculous
list, fortunately, we are classified under 'smart'.
March, 2005: Simply Seatrade, Antwerp, Belgium
(Ship)Master confluencer
Captain Peter
wrote an article on the project for
Simply Seatrade (0.5MB)
the quarterly magazine of 'Seatrade Group', World's largest
refrigerated cargo ships operator.
March 25, 2005: Detroit Free Press, Detroit, MI
NBC-TVs 'High Tech Talk' has a segment dedicated to the DCP.
Author Mike Wendland has posted a transcript on his
web site
March 22, 2005: NBC News, New York, NY
NBC-TVs 'High Tech Talk' has a segment dedicated to the DCP.
Author Mike Wendland has posted a transcript on his
web site
December 23, 2004: The Deccan Herald, Bangalore, India
N S Soundara Rajan writes about the project in
Visiting places never seen before,
inviting to 'Come have fun while helping to create an organised sampling of the world'.
December 21, 2004: The Bulletin Summer Reading, Perth, Australia
In this 'Special adventure issue', Australian coordinator
Donna Weston writes about her visit to
35S 117E in a contribution entitled
My Greatest Adventure.
August 25, 2004: Main-Echo, Aschaffenburg, Germany
Another DCP-related
in the
Main-Echo local newspaper
- covering a special occasion, this time.
Of the two villages called Blankenbach that exist in Germany (in Bavaria and Hessen, respectively), one
hosts an avid confluence hunter,
while the other one is near a confluence. As there have been friendly relations between
the two towns for years, Hermann Grebner had the idea of presenting the 'other' Blankenbach with
a confluence monument for 51N 10E.
(Newspaper article scan Copyright © Main-Echo, reproduced with kind permission)
July 12, 2004: Sunday Times of India, Pune, India
Journalist Pradeep Akkunoor accompanied confluence hunter Sujay Pantankar and his wife
Shiwanee Patankar on their visit to 22N 73E to research for his article
entitled Armed with GPS, you can go on a discovery mission!
July 1, 2004: Anchorage Press, Anchorage, AK
'Searching for confluence five miles south of Chicken' is the title
of Scott Christiansens
tongue-in-cheek report
of his exhausting trip to
64N 142W.
June, 2004: The Big Issue in the North, Manchester, UK
Doug Weir wonders 'what drives people to spend large sums of money of money and risk life and limb - simply
to document a theoretical point on the globe ?'. Find the answer in his
two page article.
June, 2004: Lufthansa Magazin, Hamburg, Germany
German airline Lufthansa has a
on the DCP in the 'Panorama' section of
their seat pocket magazine (page 41), featuring pictures of
27S 69W.
May 29, 2004: Der Spiegel, Hamburg, Germany
After visiting
62N 11E with DCP coordinator
Terje Mathisen,
journalist Philip Bethge reports - in typical slightly condescending Der Spiegel style - about the Project in
entitled 'Ankunft im Irgendwo (Arrival in the Somewhere)'.
May 15, 2004: 3Sat, Mainz, Germany
reports on the project
in their Technology show 'Neues' (New Stuff).
Journalist Jan van Hasselt accompanied
Jan Liska and
Renate Wei� on a visit to
53N 9e.
May 9, 2004: Sunday Tribune, Durban, Kwa-Zulu-Natal, South Africa
WebW@tch column
written by Sharon Gill has a paragraph on the project.
May 9, 2004: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Frankfurt, Germany
The Sunday issue of the 'FAZ' devotes an entire double page of its 'Science' section, with lots of pictures, to the Project.
Entitled 'Searching for 50�N 9�E', the
by Tilman Spreckelsen explains the idea behind the DCP,
and relates the journalists' own experience visiting
50N 9e.
April 14, 2004: Canberra Times, Canberra, Australia
David Killick briefly mentions the DCP in an article on geocaching.
March 29, 2004: Wired News, USA
'16,000 Things to Do With GPS' is the title of Joanna Glasners
article for Wired News.
March 26, 2004: K�lnische Rundschau, Cologne, Germany
Christian Deppe interviews Jonas Kremer in
'The Intersection Hunter'
March 18, 2004: BBC World TV, London, UK
BBC World has created an
excellent audiovisual introduction
to the project.
Spencer Kelly
interviews british master confluencer Gordon Spence during a visit to
51N 1W
March 14, 2004: The Sunday Times, London, UK
The Sunday Times publishes an
Steve Davies
about his quest for
fifteen zero.
March 12, 2004: HR, Frankfurt, Germany
Another German local TV report, this time from the 'HR' focusses on 51N 9E in their
Maintower show.
March 11, 2004: Kurier, Vienna, Austria
Austrian confluence hunters Michael Muehlberger,
Hans Augdoppler and
Werner Furlan were interviewed by Max Grill about
The search for the imaginary intersection.
A PDF scan (1.2MB) is available.
March 8, 2004: WDR, Aachen, Germany
German local TV 'WDR' accompanies Jonas Kremer,
on his visit to 51N 6E. A short description is available
English subtitles in this real media version (900MB) of
the report courtesy of Hans Augdoppler.
March 1, 2004: Berlingske Tidende, Copenhagen, Denmark
The original Danish language
of freelance journalist
Claus Thorhauge
is available in an
English translation
courtesy of Gert V. Jensen and
Terje Mathisen.
February 25, 2004: Spiegel Online, Hamburg, Germany
The online site of German weekly magazine DER SPIEGEL ('The Mirror') reports about the
Hunters of Latitude and Longitude
in an article by Mario Gongolsky.
February 15, 2004: Sonntagszeitung, Zurich, Switzerland
'Die Suche im anderen Netz' (Searching in another network) is the title of Alexandra
Br�hms article. It is introduced by a nice
topographic map of Switzerland that shows the locations of all the
swiss confluences.
February 14, 2004: US News & World Report, United States
The project is briefly mentioned by Thomas Hayden in
No More Frontiers?.
February 10, 2004: Salzburger Nachrichten, Salzburg, Austria
Gerhard Oehlinger reports on the DCP in his article 'Hunters of invisible crossings'.
The original (German language) article is available
February 5, 2004: GPS Magazin, Hungary
The 3rd
Hungarian GPS Challenge, where the drivers
also had to find degree confluence points, is a topic in this issue of the
January 10, 2004: CNN International
CNN science correspondent Daniel Sieberg mentions the DCP in their NEXT@CNN show live from the CES in Las Vegas.
(An abbreviated version of the November 27th broadcast is shown).
is available.
December 10, 2003: Folha de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
In three separate articles, Fernanda K. �ngelo
her readers to the project,
different brazilian confluence hunting groups
interviews Alex Jarrett.
English translation was kindly provided in MS Word format by
Luis Felipe Trigo Boix
December 8, 2003: Compulenta, Russia
The russian online magazine Compulenta discovers
a new kind of extreme sports.
(English translation courtesy of Eric Lincoln.)
December 2003: St. Catherine's College / The Year 2003, Oxford, United Kingdom
This college's 2003
yearbook has an article by Axel Nelms on
Degree Confluences in the Arabian Peninsula.
62 and
December, 2003: Enroute Magazine, Toronto, Canada
'Give me some latitude' is the title of Andrew Findlay's
in this issue of Air Canada's passenger magazine.
November 28, 2003: IT Avisen, Oslo, Norway
'How many (points) can YOU find ?' is the question asked by Martin Sivertsen in
The big GPS hunt.
The original article is in Norwegian - an
English translation has been kindly provided by
Terje Mathisen.
November 27, 2003: Aftenposten, Oslo, Norway
'Aftenposten' means 'Evening News' in Norwegian, and the title of Hans Marius Tonstad's
article about the DCP is
The new extreme sport for nerds.
An English translation is available here.
November 27, 2003: CNN International, Hongkong
Correspondent Kristie Lu Stout reports on a visit to Hong Kong's nearest confluence
22N 114E in her Tech Watch segment GPS Quest.
A video clip is available in zipped WMV format -
ca. 3MB in size.
An MPG format file of lesser quality is also available, about 4.4MB.
Kristie also has a corresponding article on
November 26, 2003: ITBusiness.ca, Toronto, Canada
Assistant editor Shane Schick admits that he'd probably make a
very poor confluence hunter as he lacks the collectors'
impulse. He attempts to compare the 'Degree of Confluence Project'
(sic) to an IT project or an enterprise database.
Under the confluence
to check if he's a better journalist than confluence hunter ...
November 16, 2003: The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, IN
The Online edition of the Indianapolis Star has a short paragraph on
the DCP in an article called Go online for outdoor Web sites.
November 13, 2003: Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Perth, Australia
ABC Perth studios reporter Michelle White interviews our Australian coordinator
Donna Weston for the
Triple J Morning Show.
November 9, 2003: The Sunday Times, Perth, Australia
For Giving Earth a new dimension,
Adrian Tame interviewed our Australian coordinator Donna Weston
who explains why confluence hunting requires the qualities of a computer nerd, a Monty Python character,
a sense of adventure and great powers of persuasion.
October 25, 2003: BBC Radio 4, London, United Kingdom
Storm chasers, experimental tourists, and ... confluence hunters are the
interviewees in BBC Radio 4's
"Excess baggage" programme
featuring British top confluencer Gordon Spence.
October 11, 2003: The Times, London, United Kingdom
In its Saturday, October 11th article, The Times reports about
"New age explorers looking for the point".
(Article link may require registration for users outside UK)
October 9, 2003: BBC Radio Newcastle (on Tyne), United Kingdom
Natasha Lee of BBC Radio Newcastle upon Tyne interviews (record) British confluence hunter
Gordon Spence for the mid-morning Ian Robinson show.
October 6, 2003: BBC News Online, London, United Kingdom
BBC News Online journalist Christine Jeavans describes "a new breed of adventurer" roaming the globe
in her article entitled
"A unique picture of the world, in 16,146 frames".
September 27, 2003: South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, China
In her article,
Theresa Davidovitz writes about Hong Kong's role in the global quest in general and the role played by
Targ Parsons in particular.
September 21, 2003: The Daily Camera, Boulder, CO
Although entitled 'It's all about location'
Chris Barges' article is really about 'World's Nerdiest Dad', USGS geographer
Joseph Kerski as you can
see for yourself.
August, 2003: Western 4W Driver, Australia
Editor Nick Underwood reports about a visit to 28S 125E in 4WD convoy, while
Douglas Henderson provides facts, figures and explanations about
the Project and relates his experiences visiting confluences in the
Spring 2003 issue (Note - 900K PDF document)
of this quarterly magazine.
August 24, 2003: The Denver Post, Denver, CO
A visit by Ben Manthey inspires Jack Cox to reflect on
'Exploring New Frontiers' and the impulse to blaze new trails.
August 16, 2003: La Presse, Montreal, Canada
Two articles on the DCP in the same issue of this French-language newspaper. In the
first one, entitled
'� la conqu�te de la terre, point par point' Isabelle Duriez
gives a general overview of the history of the Project and the motivations behind confluence hunting,
while Jean-Philippe Fortin explains how to find degree confluence points in Quebec in the
second article,
'Chercher des points au Qu�bec'.
June 20, 2003: The Courier-Mail, Brisbane, Australia
'Crazy about crossroads' is Rodney Chesters title for his
story about 'a unique approach to traveling'.
June 19, 2003: Computerra, Russia
Yuri Dzyuban writes about the DCP in the russian online magazine
(English translation courtesy of Eric Lincoln.)
June 12, 2003: Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA
The DCP made front page
in this issue of the LA Times. Steve Chawkins'
article is available
Note that (free) registration is required to be able to view it.
May 15, 2003: Voice of America News, Washington, D.C.
Ted Landphair's report on the project was aired on May 15th, 2003. A transcript
and also a real audio version are available on this
VOA News page.
April 26, 2003: The Globe And Mail, Toronto, Canada
A visit in Labrador 53N 57W inspired Rebecca Caldwell to
write about the Project in an article entitled
They have an aptitude for latitude.
March 19, 2003: Houston Chronicle, Houston, Texas
The 'What's Online' page has a paragraph on the DCP:
Global Gathering.
March 2003: PC Week Online, Moscow, Russia
We do not yet have a translation of this
russian language article
by Olga Blinkova entitled Project 'Confluence'.
2003: GPS Info, Russia
russian language article
written by R.V. Zagretdinov - called 'An amusing journey through the world of whole latitudes and
December 11, 2002: Gulf News, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Ginny Chicot introduces the DCP and reports about the visits of member
Alasdair MacKenzie in Oman and Abu Dhabi - the article is available
October, 2002: Professional Surveyor Magazine, Frederick, MD
The October 2002 issue of
Professional Surveyor Magazine
mentions the DCP in a
next to an article on geocaching.
October 19, 2002: Etel�-Suomen Sanomat, Lahti, Finland
Finnish newspaper Etel�-Suomen Sanomat has a
on the DCP.
Pertti Harju kindly provided us with an
English translation
of the original article in Finnish.
September 30, 2002: The Saudi Gazette, Saudi-Arabia
Peter Harrigan writes about the DCP in Diwaniya - the weekly cultural supplement
of the "Saudi Gazette" (one of Saudi Arabia's three English language daily
reproduced here with kind permission of the author.
September 4, 2002: Bayerischer Rundfunk, Germany
The "Bayerischer Rundfunk" (German Public Radio for Bavaria) broadcasts parts of an interview with
Hermann Grebner on his recent confluence visits in Norway and Finland.
September, 2002: Zoom Magazine, Karlsruhe, Germany
The customer magazine "Zoom" of German company
Digital Data Services GmbH has
a page
on the Project in their 01/2002 issue.
August, 2002: Monitoring Times, Brasstown, NC
The October 2002 issue of
Monitoring Times
magazine has a paragraph on the project in an article on
Having Fun with GPS
(Note - 1.02 MB PDF document).
August 31, 2002: The Toronto Star, Toronto, Canada
'Confluence hunters going the distance' is the title of the
in the Life section of the
Toronto Star
subtitled 'Man unwittingly kicks off new global travel pastime'.
August 21, 2002: CNN Headline News
CNN Headline News
conducts a short interview on the Project with
Alex Jarrett
July 27, 2002: The Daily Hampshire Gazette, Northampton, MA
Barney Beal writes about the inception of the Project, and a 'demo' visit with the project's founder,
Alex Jarrett Alex even made it to the front page !
July 12, 2002: Main-Echo, Aschaffenburg, Germany
Local baker and confluence hunter
Hermann Grebner is the subject of this
German-language article in the
Main-Echo regional newspaper.
(Newspaper article scan Copyright © Main-Echo, reproduced with kind permission)
July 8, 2002: The Public Radio International, Boston, MA
Lisa Mullins of the PRI/BBC show
The World
interviews Alex Jarrett, founder of the project.
The interview is available in MP3 format in high, medium or low bandwidth versions. (Copyright © 2002 The World.
June 2, 2002: Helsingin Sanomat, Helsinki, Finland
'The World is Bush Everywhere' writes
Ilkka Malmberg in his article in the Sunday supplement of
Helsinki's daily newspaper -
'when you watch reports of confluence points even in the most
crowded parts of the world, all you can see is field, desert or bush'.
May 23, 2002: The Zeballos Privateer, Zeballos, BC
Issue number 17 (Note - 2.85MB PDF document), of the
Zeballos Privateer,
mentions the project on page 3 in an article entitled "Campbell River Scouts base challenge from Zeballos".
It reports on the visit to 50N 127W by fourteen scouts and four leaders from Campbell River, BC.
April, 2002: Geoworld Magazine
The Degree Confluence Projects web site is
Internet Resource of the month
in the April issue of
March 2002: Discover Magazine, New York City, NY
Discover magazine has a short review of the project in their March
Web picks - it concludes:
'The site gives a humbling sense of just how untouched the world really is, as
almost all land-based confluences appear to be in 'the middle of nowhere.' For
the geographic-minded, it's an intriguing look at what lies beneath the world's
imaginary grid.'
March 2002: explore magazine, Toronto, ON
The March/April issue of
explore magazine
'Canada's Outdoor Adventure Magazine', on page 18, has
an article
about confluence hunting. The article is not available
via their website, but on the issue's
contents page
they refer to the project as 'the oddest sport of them all' :)
As the article was written by the same author, there is a fair bit of overlap with the January 2002 Vancouver Sun article
February 24, 2002: La Prensa Grafica (The Graphical Press), San Salvador, El Salvador
The Sunday supplement of La Prensa Grafica, a daily newspaper serving
the country of El Salvador has a
multipage article
on the project
entitled 'CHALATENANGO EN INTERNET: El encuentro de las coordenadas'
(Chalatenango in the Internet: The meeting of the coordinates)
The article describes how the only confluence in El Salvador was conquered - an english translation of the article can be found here
January 27, 2002: The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX
Jeremy Smith (Universal Press Syndicate) briefly mentions the project in an article
On a high-tech scavenger hunt:
'In a related activity, the Degree Confluence Project aims to
'collect' every whole-degree intersection on the navigational map of
Earth (for example, 47N, 22W, no minutes or seconds).'
January 12, 2002: The Vancouver Sun, Vancouver, BC
Andrew Finlay of the
Vancouver Sun interviewed Canadian coordinator
Dave Patton, and explains the goals of the project in his
November 28, 2001: Ny Teknik, Stockholm, Sweden
About half of Jan Melins article about
Skattjakt med GPS
(Treasurehunt with GPS) covers the Degree Confluence Project.
The origins of GPS are explained, and the printed
version of the article also has a map of Sweden showing
all currently visited confluence points as well as those not yet visited,
and a picture of the DCP web page displaying the latest visited
confluence in Sweden.
November 13, 2001: Site of the Nite
Scott Herriott from TechTV's show The Screen Savers selected the project as
Site of the Nite
November 10, 2001: The Free-Lance Star, Fredericksburg, VA
Page E8 (Travel) --
Man's curiosity about globe is contagious.
Winter 2001: Mini-Review in PCWorld
PCWorld.com (the magazine's web site) has a
short review
on the project in their Imaging and Photography / Digital Cameras section.
Fall 2001: Lithuanian newspaper Siauliu naujienos
A journalist and a photographer from this newspaper visit
56N 23E together with norwegian confluence hunter
Jan Krogh,
and publish a report in their paper.
Fall 2001: GED Connection, Program 21
(produced for public television in the U.S. (PBS)
by Kentucky Educational Television)
Program segment description: 'Longitude and latitude lines provide points of
reference. The Global Positioning System relies on a grid of satellites.
The Degree Confluence Project collects photos taken where latitude and
longitude lines cross.' Features interviews with Alex Jarrett and Deborah
July 13, 2001: At the Intersection of Geography and Technology
Cara Bafile of
Education World
an article
that includes 'One teacher's experience plus tips for getting your class involved'.
June, 2001: Stichprobe der Welt
The German computer magazine
has a
short article.
April 19, 2001: Web, geography come together at Confluence
USA Today
had an article written by A.S. Berman about the project.
online version
is available.
April, 2001: Die J�ger der unsichtbaren Punkte
This can be translated as 'The hunters of the invisible points', and is the title of a
German-languade article in
Der Stern, a weekly German print magazine.
February, 2001: Surfing the Internet
Sal Towse of
Computer Bits Online
wrote an
which not only talks about the project, but other things such as atomic orbitals,
tunneling through to the other side of Earth, and Naked Librarians.
January 23rd, 2001: Interview with Alex Jarrett
Spike O'Dell of
WGN Radio 720
interviews Alex on the Project.