23-Aug-2022 --
My first confluence visit is more or less a by-product of my special item, which is reaching tip points (N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE tips) including the highest, the lowest point and the geographical center of a nation or - within Germany - of our 16 lands.
This day's programme was to reach the westernmost tip of Germany (and Northrhine-Westphalia as well) and the southernmost point of the Netherlands.It turned out that 51°N 6°E was just a few kilometers away from Germany's west cape, proving that there is a Germany west of 6°E.
Access to the confluence is extremely easy making use of A 46 autobahn which turns into B 56 Bundesstrasse from the east, taking Gangelt exit. You enter Gangelt via Hanxler Strasse and follow a sign turning right towards Mercatorpunkt. You pass Lindenhof farm, and there you are: the confluence is on a paddock just beside the street. I refrained from jumping through the fence as I did neither want to disturb the horses nor to infringe on private property. As I do not own a GPS receiver, I relied on my iPhone app, showing a strange and impossible notification (50°59°60" = 51°00'00").
120 m SW from here and in direct vicinity to the tree visible in #3 you will find a memorial in honour of Gheert Cremer who latinized his name to Gerhard Mercator and eventually became the most capable cartographer of the renaissance.
The red sandstone pillar shows a sphere, an intersection of 51°N and 6°E and bears the names of several cities situated on 51°N (western side) and 6°E (eastern side). There is also a steel plate informing you about Mercator's life and achievements, and there is a wayside cross, probably much older than our new confluence stuff.