This confluence has been visited four times by 11 people, with three of the parties
thinking they were first! It is interesting to note the inaccuracy of each
confluence visit, even though they all had GPS's.
12-Aug-1999 -- Got another confluence today! Deb and I
packed up early and checked out of the hotel in North Hollywierd and
followed the GPS down "the 605" to Whittier California. Ever notice
how everyone in Southern California calls the freeways "the five" or
"the one o one" instead of just the number? Anyway, Deb manned
(or Womaned in this case) the laptop with the map of southern California
while I navigated the perilous byways on our way. We wound our way
up the mountain and down through some absolutely amazing
countryside to the exact point of the confluence. Tribe-Sib Leneb called
us on the cell phone as soon as we parked, and was on the phone during
the entire photo-shoot. We parked the bug, got out and zeroed in on the
exact point. It happened to be in the middle of this guy's yard and,
incredibly, he was sitting exactly on the spot! It was so cool. We explained
what we were doing to him and he was fully psyched! He said he's going
to build a marker on the spot. Maybe we've got a convert. Another
confluence gatherer.
Final Note: When we got back to the hotel, we discovered that
someone had already got this one! Ack! A well, now it's just doubly