06-Apr-2005 -- Luego de terminar en el Centro de Entrenamiento de Land Rover en Gaydon a las 4.30pm busque algo que hacer asi que revise mi Garmin 176C y vi que tenia la confluencia N52W02 apena a 40kms de donde me encontraba asi que tome rumbo a Bambury y de ahi hacia el Punto que buscaba, pase un BB llamado Robin Hood hasta que llege cerca del punto y vi el area de un establecimiento llamado COX entre y amablemente me pidieron que sacara la camioneta del estacionamiento, asi que di una vista liguera al area y habia un porton para entrar al potrero donde habia unas ovejas y faisanes asi que sali me estacione en un claro que estaba al lado del porto camine abri el porto y me dirigui a pcos metro cerca de unos comederos estaba el PC.
encontre el punto tome unas fotos la temperatura estaba a unos 9°C y eran casi las 6 pm
coplete asi mi primera confluecia wn UK
06-Apr-2005 -- After finishing class at the LandRover's Training Center at Gaydon, I checked my Garmin 176C to see what was close by and it marked N52W02 only 40Kms straight so I drove with a 2005 RangeRover with the GPS Navigational System that drove me to Banbury, from there I used my 176C to the Confluence.
I passed BB's Robin Hood until I arrive to near by the Confluence, I parked
at the COX store but someone came and ask me not to park there and leave the
parking lot, the CP was just behind this parking lot so before I got into the RR I looked around and saw the fence with entrance and next to it a dirt road
that was perfect to park the RR and walk into the field.
After moving and parking the RR I just walked into the field, there wasn't a no trespassing sign so I walked into the CP, near by did the dance took the
pictures, the temperature was 9ªCelcius, caught my first confluence
in England and got back to Warwick before 8pm.