the Degree Confluence Project

United Kingdom : England

1.1 km (0.7 miles) W of Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
Approx. altitude: 84 m (275 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 52°S 179°E

Accuracy: 6 m (19 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: The proof #3: General view

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  52°N 1°W (visit #14)  

#1: On the spot

(visited by Luis Pages)


06-Apr-2005 -- Luego de terminar en el Centro de Entrenamiento de Land Rover en Gaydon a las 4.30pm busque algo que hacer asi que revise mi Garmin 176C y vi que tenia la confluencia N52W02 apena a 40kms de donde me encontraba asi que tome rumbo a Bambury y de ahi hacia el Punto que buscaba, pase un BB llamado Robin Hood hasta que llege cerca del punto y vi el area de un establecimiento llamado COX entre y amablemente me pidieron que sacara la camioneta del estacionamiento, asi que di una vista liguera al area y habia un porton para entrar al potrero donde habia unas ovejas y faisanes asi que sali me estacione en un claro que estaba al lado del porto camine abri el porto y me dirigui a pcos metro cerca de unos comederos estaba el PC. encontre el punto tome unas fotos la temperatura estaba a unos 9°C y eran casi las 6 pm coplete asi mi primera confluecia wn UK


06-Apr-2005 -- After finishing class at the LandRover's Training Center at Gaydon, I checked my Garmin 176C to see what was close by and it marked N52W02 only 40Kms straight so I drove with a 2005 RangeRover with the GPS Navigational System that drove me to Banbury, from there I used my 176C to the Confluence.

I passed BB's Robin Hood until I arrive to near by the Confluence, I parked at the COX store but someone came and ask me not to park there and leave the parking lot, the CP was just behind this parking lot so before I got into the RR I looked around and saw the fence with entrance and next to it a dirt road that was perfect to park the RR and walk into the field.

After moving and parking the RR I just walked into the field, there wasn't a no trespassing sign so I walked into the CP, near by did the dance took the pictures, the temperature was 9ªCelcius, caught my first confluence in England and got back to Warwick before 8pm.

 All pictures
#1: On the spot
#2: The proof
#3: General view
ALL: All pictures on one page