26-Jun-2019 -- Making my first ever extended visit to the Denver area, I obviously had to visit this easy point - the "Visitors' Confluence Point" for Denver, and one of the most-visited Degree Confluence Points in the United States. The most difficult part about visiting this point was crossing busy State Highway 7, which runs West-East, just 25m North of the 40 Degrees North line of latitude. There was even a break in the barbed-wire fence, very close to the point.
Just North of State Highway 7, several new homes are being built in a new subdivision. It will be interesting to see what ends up happening to this point in the years to come, as the Denver area continues to expand.
As I returned to my car, I was dismayed to see a Broomfield police car - with flashing lights - parked behind it. I was scared that I’d parked illegally, and was about to be ticketed. To my relief, the officer was just checking my car, to make sure I was OK. After I explained that I’d just been taking photos (I didn’t explain why), he drove off.
Unfortunately this point lies in ’no-fly zones’ for two nearby airports, so I wasn’t able to get a ‘drone’s eye’ view of the point.