21-Jun-2001 -- June 21, the beginning of the summer and the longest day in the year. I drove via motorway A4 to
the Mittweida exit. Onward I drove on a road called S200 towards Mittweida.
The map shows me, the confluence point should be very near to this town.
In this town I lose my way. Many streets, many road constructions, many redirections,
many roads made with rocks, jumping with the car from road hole to road hole.
I can't drive faster then 20 km/h.
But after a while I found the right exit of the town.
I reached the confluence point very near a small street.
It was on an small field path, some cows beside.
Nearby, bearing south, there where some houses. In front of one house I noticed a stone, signed with the word
"Gradnetzstein", in English: degree mesh stone. I put my GPS on it, and it seems, this stone is
not exactly located on the confluence point. The stone looks very old, and at the time they have
positioned the stone there was no GPS available.
In short, this confluence point was very easy to reach.